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Porter House Museum Mission Statement

(revised March 19, 2018)




The Porter House Museum preserves and interprets its structures, grounds, and collections to inspire diverse audiences to learn about Bert and Grace Porter and their passions, including travel, art, photography, gardens, music, and the natural world.





In carrying out the above Mission, we strive:


  • To make the house and its collections available to visitors and researchers.

  • To offer exhibitions and interpretive programming to the general public, students of all ages, visitors, and scholars in a manner consistent with the highest educational and artistic standards.

  • To maintain and preserve the building known as the Ellsworth-Porter House (built in 1867 by D.B. Ellsworth and later inhabited by the Youngs and the Porters), as well as the surrounding property, including the Prairie-style garage and unique rock wall, designed by Adelbert Porter.

  • To preserve the Museum’s collections of archival documents, photographs, furnishings, textiles, and other objects according to the highest attainable professional standards.

  • To serve students in particular, according to Mr. Porter’s wishes, by offering free admission to school groups accompanied by their instructors.

  • To pursue ongoing investigative research about the residents of the Ellsworth-Porter House and their historical contexts, so that this valuable information may be shared and preserved for future generations.

  • To foster appreciation of historic preservation activities, historic architecture, and local history.

  • To operate as a not-for-profit museum according to the highest ethical and professional standards.

  • To acquire and preserve objects directly related to history of the house and the lives of its inhabitants.

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